The Nearest FarAway Place - Location Photos


Published Novels

Nearest FarAway Place

Chapter 1

Reader Reviews

Prototype Covers

Location Photos


Prologue/Chapter 1

Golgonooza Review

Reader Reviews

Cover Photo Shoot



The Shields Gazette

Readers' Review

Evening Gazette

Prologue/Chapter 1

Photos (Marsden)
Photos (Bill Quay)

Geograph (Marsden)

Geograph (Bill Quay)
Chapter 0/Chapter 1
Photos (Aoraki)
Photos (Tekapo)
Look Magazine

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Novels In-Progress

Odd Jobs

Downfall or Destiny?

Panglossian Books

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Magazine Articles

Author Reference Links

Marsden Grotto

Bill Quay

Geograph (Marsden)
Geograph (Bricklayers)

Author Maintained  Sites

Barclay Reunions

Cathy Logan


Table-Top Rallying

Tom Hood Reunions

 Page References in The Nearest FarAway Place with accompanying photographs
(April 20, 1999 / May 23, 1999 / July 20, 1999 / October 27, 1999)

p73 - St Johns Road
p73 - Jesus Green
p108 - Civic Offices
p108 - Civic Offices Reception
p108 - Guildhall
p108 - Norrish Central Library
p108 - Queen Victoria
p108 - Walkway + Fingerpost
p114 - Civic Centre Bench Seats
p118 - Library - Crows Nest
p123 - Civic Offices - Car Park
p124 - Civic Offices - Balcony Area
p125 - Maynard Court
p125 - Pedestrian Underpass
p125 - Terraced Garages
p205 - Green Man Pub - Bradwell Waterside
p209 - Kissing Gate
p209 - Roman Road
p209 - St Peter's Sign
p210 - Administration Office

p210 - St Peter's Chapel
p211 - Othona(1)
p211 - Othona(2)
p211 - Othona(3)
p211 - Sea Wall and Power Station
p211 - St Peter's (Inside)
p211 - The Saltings and Observation Tower
p212 - Sandy Beach
p223 - Queens' College(1)
p223 - Queens' College(2)
p223 - Queens' College(3)
p298 - The Nearest FarAway Place
p317 - Mathematical Bridge(1)
p318 - Mathematical Bridge(2)
p324 - Jesus Green
p324 - Footbridge
p325 - Riverside
p376 - St Peter's Cross
Emma - Book Cover Model